Master Thesis: Model-, Simulation- and Data-based Control

Felix is writing his master thesis as a part of the ShipWeldFlow project. This project is in cooperation with Odense Maritime Technology,  Inrotech, and the chair of human-machine-interaction (MMI) at Felix’s home university, the RWTH Aachen.

The focus of his master thesis is evaluating the feasibility of welding operations in ship construction through the use of digital twins and simulation.

The goal of this work is to enable quick estimations of how much of a given blueprint can be produced in an automated workflow. This will shorten both design and construction times in maritime construction.

Felix is interested in flexible robotic production processes and is looking forward to learn more about subfields in this area of reserach. Felix is, in particular, interested in seeing how production changes at the large scale of objects that are being studied at SDU Center for Large Structure Production (LSP).
