Automation in the construction & wind industries with Odico

About This course is designed to give your organisation more infomation on how automation can make production more agile and effective in the construction and wind sectors.   If you want your organisation to be at the cutting edge of change and innovation in your...

Digital Twin in the martime sector (with SIMAC)

About In collaboration with Syddansk Erhvervsskole (SDE), we are offering the opportunity to develop skills and competencies around Digital Twins. This course is a chance to bring interested parties from different sectors together to help find common solutions to...

Head of LSP Center speaks at EU Commission panel

This week the head of the LSP Center, Chrsitian Schlette was invited on behalf of NextGen Robotics to speak at a panel as part of the EU Regions Week. The panel, which focused on retaining and attracting talent for regional growth, had speakers from around the EU, all...