PhD Thesis: Model-, Simulation- and Data-based Control

My research is embedded in the project Mobile Robot Crane Platform, which is in partnership with Inrotech A/S, Bladt Industries A/S, Energy Cluster Denmark, and Odense Robotics.

The goal is to provide an automation solution for operations (e.g. welding, sandblasting, scanning), at heights of 15-20 meters.

The first step of my research is to develop a 3D simulation of the system, taking the kinematic and dynamic behavior of the system into account.

Most of the research focuses on developing a controller for the system to stabilize the tool frame. This controller is model-based and then later optimized using information about the system gained from internal and external sensor systems.

With my academic background being in automatic control and signal processing, I am interested in the combination of controller design and evaluation of sensor signals.

Follow the link to find out more about the Mobile Robotic Crane Platform project. 

Bladt Industries A/S
Energy Cluster Denmark
Odense Robotics